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February 16, 2009

Anger and Divorce

When anger becomes consuming and prevents us from finding peace and serenity over time, then it no longer serves us. Here are 4 steps for letting go of anger from a divorce, and clearing the deck for happiness, fulfillment, and joy moving forward.

February 13, 2009

Why it is Fun to Date a Live California Girl

At least once in your life, do try to go out with a California girl. They have so many great characteristics that you will surely find appealing. Luckily for you, you can go on an online date with a live California girl. You might think it to be unorthodox, but it surely is a fun way to pass time and meet a great girl while you are at it. So what makes a live California girl better than the rest of those girls you meet online? Read on to find out.

Learn the Skills for Kissing With Confidence

The level of confidence inside you can decide the significance of your first kiss. You don’t have to do any exercise or planning to bring in confidence inside you. There are few little things, which if taken into consideration, can allow you kissing with confidence. In the end, your confidence can bring smile on two pairs of lips.

Best Moment to Call After First Date

This article discusses when is the best time to call after your first date with someone you are interested. This article also shares some of the useful dating tips.

Is Your Husband a Narcissist? 8 Signs of Narcissism

A personality disorder that is commonly very destructive in relationships is narcissism, and it is more commonly diagnosed in men. If you find yourself often bewildered or hurt by your husband's actions and nothing seems to change, it is possible that the explanation could be narcissism. Here are 8 signs of narcissism.

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