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February 12, 2008

Tips To Attract Women Like A Magnet

Whether you are just looking for some fun or you are looking to attract a partner for life, many men often feel ill at ease around beautiful women. Women can seem unattainable, sophisticated and hard to reach, but really, nothing is further from the truth. When you are looking for some lovely female company, there are many things that you can do to make sure that you are not spending the evening alone. There are many tips to attract women like a magnet, but check out some of the more powerful ones below. 1.Remember that she is not the enemy! Most women, if they are available, are perfectly willing to step out and see what the evening brings. Remember that when you are trying to seduce a woman that you are not her enemy or her adversary. Think about yourself as her accomplice in getting together a really great time. You are not working against each other; you are working with each other to have some great fun. 2.Be confident! If you have no faith in yourself, why should she? One of the most attractive qualities that a man can have is confidence, and you'll find that if you have it, you'll have plenty of company. It doesn't matter what you really do, or how you really feel, confidence can be faked. A person who is happy and confident is very attractive, so walk around as if you own the place and many people will just assume that you do! 3.Make the first move Don't be surprised if she sends over a drink, but you should feel comfortable moving first as well. It doesn't have to be big or dramatic, but simply giving her an honest compliment or holding the door open and saying hello as she walks in can help you out a great deal. It's a way to break the ice, and if she's a bit more shy, she'll be grateful for the opening. You don't have to be smooth or slick, but a willingness to chance talking to a stranger can be very attractive. 4.Don't be pushy Confidence is one thing, aggression is an other. Just because you bought her a drink doesn't mean that she's yours forever. If she's not interested, simply say that you hope she'll take it as a compliment and withdraw gracefully. Don't be that guy who has to get kicked out of the bar for getting overly aggressive with a girl. If a girl turns you down, be as gracious as you can; you never know when her gorgeous friend is watching and will be impressed with your chivalry. 5.Be genuine If all you're after right now is a good time, be up front about that. If you are looking for a wife or steady girlfriend, be up front about that too. The right woman will appreciate honesty, and you don't want to be with one who doesn't. Think about what you really want, and make sure the girl of your choice knows it too. FlirtJerk is an Expert Pickup Artist who show Men on how to Approach, Attract, Seduce and Date Any Women that you want and skyrocket your Sex Life. Download your FREE Exclusive Copy Of "The Art Of PickUp Any Women You Want And Have Them Beg You to Date And Sleep With" Report by visiting


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