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September 10, 2008

How to Get a Girl to Notice You; the 5 Senses Behind How to Get a Girl to Notice You

When you think about it, people have 5 senses that they utilize when they are evaluating a situation: Sight, Smell, Taste, Feel, Listen. If you take care of all of these senses in the right manner, then you will truly understand what it takes to get a girl to notice you. <b>How to Get a Girl to Notice You: Sight</b> You always want to look your best whenever you are in front of other girls. This will show them that you value yourself and care about how other people perceive you. If you're in good physical shape, then women will recognize you as being a healthy, strong individual. If you wear clothes with stains and you don't shave for a week, then the girl will recognize that you are a slob who can't take care of himself. <b>How to Get a Girl to Notice You: Smell</b> You always want to smell good when you are around women. Remember how the house would smell when your mom would bake chocolate chip cookies? All I can remember is just waiting for those suckers to get out of the oven so I could devour them by the handful. Smell is a very powerful tool. If you have the right aroma, girls will want to stay in your presence for a long time. <b>How to Get a Girl to Notice You: Taste</b> Use mouthwash, tic tacs, altoids, etc. in order to keep that breath of yours fresh. Remember the cookie example? Well smelling those cookies baking made me want to eat them that much more. Girls will notice your breath whether it's good or bad. The last thing a girl wants to do is to make out with guy who has morning breath. Don't let your breath prevent you from kissing a girl. <b>How to Get a Girl to Notice You: Feel</b> Another important factor in getting a girl to notice you is how she feels when she's around you. If she feels really comfortable and at ease, then she is going to want to stay in this same environment. Try to be relaxed and calm. It produces easy going vibes that will rub off on the girls who are around you. <b>How to Get a Girl to Notice You: Listen</b> The way you converse (or don't) is key to getting a girl to notice you. If you really loud and obnoxious, girls will very turned off. At the same time, if you never open your mouth and say anything, then girls will you think you have no personality. It's important to use your sense of humor and natural charm. Also, be sure to listen actively when conversing with girls. Girls always like to know that you are paying attention to what they have to say. It shows that you care and that you are interested as well. If you really think about the senses we use when we are analyzing people and situations, it becomes easier to understand how to get a girl to notice you. I used to be so depressed and lonely all the time because I could never muster up the courage to ask any girls out. I used to be so shy that it made me sick. All I wanted was to figure out how to get girls to notice me. <b>Then one day I found out how to attract girls INSTANTLY.</b> Here is my story...I think it can help you: <h1> </h1> Jeff Lyons is a love and dating expert. He focuses his practice on giving people the confidence they need in order to find love and happiness in their lives.


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